#Coyote ragtime show bishop series
The series basically took on an Ocean's Eleven kind of vibe with the biggest bank heist in the world. Up to this point in the show many things have happened. Of course no show would be complete without a collection of bad guys and in that regard we have the authoritative Milky Way Federation (MWF) and the mafia-like Marciano family. In the first couple of volumes we meet other important characters like Franca, the daughter of Pirate King Bruce, and Swamp, an old acquaintance of Mister's. He operates a starship known as the Coyote and is accompanied by a pair of lackeys named Katana and Bishop. The head honcho is a guy named Mister who is a renowned outlaw of sorts. The main characters are another big part in that feeling of originality.

This particular attempt to do the science fiction genre has been done many times over but it's the manner with which it's handed in Coyote Ragtime Show that makes it feel unique. For some reason we still use bullets and rockets to get the dirty jobs done instead of lasers which just seems kind of funny in a Cowboy Bebop sort of way. There are cyborgs a plenty and ships that can travel faster than light. In the future humans have colonized many planets across the galaxy and though we haven't really evolved as a people, our technology has. Coyote Ragtime Show may indeed be irreverent at times but it's a powerful show with a strong cast of characters that will latch on to you the moment you catch the first episode. It had an irreverent sound to it and elicited visions of a goofy comedy though what's really in a name? You can't judge a book by its cover and you can't judge an anime by its title. When I first heard about Coyote Ragtime Show I honestly didn't know what to expect.