Fallout 4 freefall legs location
Fallout 4 freefall legs location

Fallout 4 freefall legs location mod#

What makes this possibly unique is that it is a rare case where a legendary mod apparently is only available via armor found in a specific location and never as random loot (AFAIK). Looking at the handful of other articles we have on legendary armor pieces, we don't go into this much detail regarding the stats of each level (light/medium/heavy) of that armor piece. But of different levels (One heavy combat, one light combat.) CO 41st Corsairs RCT (The Black Hawks) ( talk) 07:04, J(UTC) I wonder if entering the Mass Fusion's lower floors by mistake during random searching caused them to despawn? CO 41st Corsairs RCT (The Black Hawks) ( talk) 07:02, J(UTC) Please sign your posts with ~~~~! 2:46 AM UTC December 18, 2015 Does anyone else have this issue? -Preceding unsigned comment added by ( talk Also tried spawning them in, and the items apparently don't exist in my files. Update, started a second character and tried to get these. I tried reloading outside of the cell, and they were still missing. I went in to find these boots, found the safe they were supposed to be in, but it was empty, tried reloading, still not in there. And no, they won't become light leather pieces if you try your best at a lower level than 7, they're still light combat. A different time they were synth pieces sturdy and heavy at a much later level. A couple retries and they eventually became both light but one of them weighed more even though they both had no modifications. I had a level 20-30 character go for them and they came up as light combat and sturdy combat. Still waiting on an official answer from the admin, though. I think they're SUPPOSED to be leveled, but maybe whoever programmed them screwed up somehow. Not sure why as all the vids and this page says one should be Light and the other Sturdy- Wulfharth ( talk) 14:55, Decem(UTC) I got these at a lowish level and they are BOTH light combat armor. How the hell did THAT happen? - Malus X ( talk) 02:17, Decem(UTC) When I actually tried them on, one was the regular version of Combat Armor and the other was the Heavy version. I didn't think much of it, maybe one was standard and the other was polymer. One leg piece had low Damage Resistance with slightly lower Energy Resistance, and the other piece had higher DR and ER, but the ER was still a little lower when compared to normal Combat Armor leg stats.

fallout 4 freefall legs location

I JUST got these and noticed something off about them.

fallout 4 freefall legs location fallout 4 freefall legs location

Please sign your posts with ~~~~! Leveled and Off? You can make it there by using buffjet and jetfuel same time by far more easier -Preceding unsigned comment added by ( talk 7 Four different stats (The fourth one).

Fallout 4 freefall legs location