Dean commented: A OneOk grant was received for the purchase of the TruTouch card, a quote was received for the replacement of the south staff parking lot with concrete for a possible future project there are no plans to proceed at this time.
#Sysco invoices online registration
Main Jung reported: 2023-24 class schedule is set and registration is underway discussed graduation plans. Main Schneider reported: Title I teacher meeting May 3, end of year outings underway, book bingo rescheduled for May 16 at 12:30 p.m., reviewed upcoming professional development. Hoffman reported: state speech recap, state music, state FBLA results, FFA participating in judging state horses on May 8 and 9. Dean reviewed the entry report: PK=20, K-12=384. Jobs: ND Honor Society Advisor, Basketball Coaches, Assistant Track Coach. Transfer Approved: Savannah Stringer moves to 3rd year. Hiring of Heart River Coop Coach: Mike Williams as Head of Football. Superintendent Dean reviewed the staff report: South Heart Coach Hires, Erik Klein, Head Boys Basketball Sara Gieseke as Women’s Basketball Manager. Harper moved, seconded by Kuylen, to approve May 2023 invoices and payroll and April 2023 financial reports. Steffan moved, seconded by Harper, to approve the Apminutes. Jung recognized all the students for their achievements awarded on May 3. Schneider recognized the students of the month. Pledge of Allegiance Kuylen moves, seconded by Harper, to approve the agenda with one addition. Kristine Mehrer, GUESTS: Kristen Kuntz, Kelsey Boedeker, Ashley Heinen. Schneider, AD Jerome Hoffman, Business Mgr. South Heart School District #9 South Heart School Board Regular Meeting The South Heart School Board Regular Meeting was called by Pres.